As easy as Jack Docks’ docks that jack are, sometimes there are reasons for different options. Let’s discuss why floating docks might be the dock that makes you swoon over any other.
First off what is a floating dock? They are docks that float. The end. But Jack Docks floating docks are aluminum with foam-filled float drums and decking that drops into place. They are modular, lightweight, and anti-rust. You can configure them into any standard dock shape that you so desire, and they are stable and secure enough to board your boat from.
So why a dock that floats versus one that is permanently fixed with pipe supports?
Well. What is your shoreline like? What is the tide like? How murky is the murk level of your water? Everyone’s water level changes with the seasons, but does yours change with the millisecond? Then maybe floating docks are for you. They sit right on top of the water so if you find yourself out there raising and lowering your dock by the day, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy. Floating your dock can avoid lots of adjusting hassle with fixed docks.
Can you even see the bottom of your lake? Due to either very deep water or the mucky muck, maybe there’s plain just no easy way to secure a pipe base to the earth below. So again, if thats you, a floating dock solves that problem pretty easily. Just throw the bad boy on the water with some anchors and have fun.
Floating Docks are perfect for changing water levels, very deep water, and very muddy lake bottoms. There is no adjustments needed when the dock floats always at the perfect level. Jack Docks features a long-lasting aluminum floating dock with a conveniently low profile so you can board your watercraft easily – even a kayak is close to the dock surface. Foam-filled float drums offer peace of mind in the harsh elements. This aluminum floating dock is lightweight, anti-rust, and modular so you can assemble, connect with dock hinges, and reconfigure with ease. Choose the aluminum floating dock that works best for your application with decking options, various sizes, and standard dock shapes.
If all this sounds too good to be true and you are wondering why EVERYONE doesn’t have a floating dock. Well they do move as much as your river or lake does, so there is that. Floating docks aren’t AS permanent or AS stable as a pipe dock or jack dock, but they are great when you want an easy set up and tear down. And they are perfect for many types of shores. If you don’t have a great sense for the movement of your water level yet on a new property, ask any neighbor with a dock. Believe us, they’ll know. Then give us a call and we’ll have a dockspert talk you through it!
Click here to check out our Floating Docks or if you just need some parts to replenish or build your own, you can get just the floating dock sections or floating dock parts.